Miryam Charles receives the inaugural Charles Officer Legacy Award, honouring the late filmmaker’s dedication to craft and community-building.
TFCA Friday: Week of August 4th, 2017
August 4, 2017
Welcome to TFCA Friday, a weekly round-up of film reviews and articles by TFCA critics.
Opening this Week
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (dirs. Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk)
Brave New Jersey (dir. Jody Lambert)
Brigsby Bear (dir. Dave McCary)
“You just have to accept the darkness behind it as part of the package. Go see Brigsby Bear” — NW
“Dope as shit” — AP, with an awesome interview with filmmaker Dave McCary
The Dark Tower (dir. Nikolaj Arcel)
“The story sounds absolutely terrible. But surprisingly the film is not all that bad” — GS
Detroit (dir. Kathryn Bigelow)
“The film quickly becomes almost play-like in its focus on a single, claustrophobic and deadly event” — JS
“Will haunt the memories of viewers for a long time” — AP
“Benefits from very strong performances, the best of these from 24-year old actor Will Poulter” — GS
The Jazz Loft According to W. Eugene Smith (dir. Sara Fishko)
Landline (dir. Gillian Robespierre)
“Charming and compulsively watchable” — AP
Tokyo Idols (dir. Kyoko Miyake)
Andrew Parker chats with director Kyoko Miyake about, you guessed it, middle-aged men who worship teenage pop starlets
The Trip to Spain (dir. Michael Winterbottom)
“A few new spices, but it’s also easy to see that this series is starting to thin” — AP
“More of the same” — GS
TIFF 2017: Coming Soon
Barry Hertz looks at the 2017 edition of Platform: “This year, the offerings represent a further splitting of the program’s already fuzzy identity”
Meanwhile, Peter Howell follows up with TIFF’s Cameron Bailey on the evolution of the programming process: “Is it accident or design that Platform has become slightly more mainstream?
On the topic of Midnight Madness’ new programmer, BH spoke with Peter Kuplowsky on the “surreal” new gig
And, of course, Borg/McEnroe, the Opening Night Film! “With no massively huge, box-office-friendly celebrity element (such as was the case with the Denzel Washington-led Magnificent Seven, and Downey’s The Judge) or obvious Canadian element (unlike Demolition, which was directed by Quebecker Jean-Marc Vallée), Borg/McEnroe will have to trade off the pure excitement of its historical narrative, and the impressive, though relatively untested, chops of its director Janus Metz” — BH
TIFF Cinematheque presents: Ida Lupino
Gilbert Seah with a feature review of Outrage and selected capsule reviews
And Andrew Parker with five must-see performances and directorial efforts from the pioneering filmmaker
Reviews and features by: Andrew Parker (AP), Jim Slotek (JS), Norm Wilner (NW), Barry Hertz (BH), Peter Howell (PH), Gilbert Seah (GS), and Liam Lacey (LL).