Miryam Charles receives the inaugural Charles Officer Legacy Award, honouring the late filmmaker’s dedication to craft and community-building.
TFCA Friday: Week of July 21st, 2017
July 21, 2017
Welcome to TFCA Friday, a weekly round-up of film reviews and articles by TFCA critics.
Opening this Week
A Ghost Story (dir. David Lowery)
An interview with David Lowery talking about the difference between history and nostalgia, employing a documentarian cinematographer, and why there’s a cut of his work here that “sounds like a James Wan horror film” — AP
A separate interview with the director, who discusses hitting his comfort zone — LL
The Black Prince (dir. Kavi Raz)
“One dull history lesson” — GS
Dawson City: Frozen Time (dir. Bill Morrison)
“Like shooting the breeze with a really knowledgeable cinematic librarian for a couple of hours” — AP
Dunkirk (dir. Christopher Nolan)
“Impressive, a precision-tooled cinematic artefact, a vision of war as a machine run amok” — LL
“A taut, technically impressive, narratively flimsy masterclass in sustained tension” — AP
“I’m actually quite a shy and unconfident person, so I have a need to imagine the back story, to convince myself on a set surrounded by master technicians and someone as smart as Chris. If I’m not imagining I’m someone else, I’m going to be terrified” — Mark Rylance, in conversation with BH
Girls Trip (dir. Malcolm D. Lee)
Restless Creature: Wendy Whelan (dirs. Linda Saffire, Adam Schlesinger)
“Strictly for ballet and dance aficionados” — GS
“An inspiring look at a passionate artist’s last and most personal stab at greatness” — AP
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (dir. Luc Besson)
“Scores top marks as a futuristic space action adventure” — GS
The War Show (dirs. Obaidah Zytoon, Andreas Dalsgaard)
TIFF Cinematheque presents: Kathryn Bigelow: On the Edge
GS with select capsule reviews and a feature write-up of Near Dark
Reviews and features by: Andrew Parker (AP), Gilbert Seah (GS), Barry Hertz (BH), Peter Howell (PH), Karen Gordon (KG), Norm Wilner (NW), Kate Taylor (KT), Brian D. Johnson (BDJ), and Liam Lacey (LL).